Northern Arizona University
Recent News About Northern Arizona University
Here comes the Sun: NAU planetary scientists find evidence of solar-driven change on the Moon
Here comes the Sun: NAU planetary scientists find evidence of solar-driven change on the Moon.
Prestigious NSF CAREER award supports integration of research, undergraduate training in parallel computing
Prestigious NSF CAREER award supports integration of research, undergraduate training in parallel computing.
Virtual NAU Town Hall on August 17, 2021
Virtual NAU Town Hall on August 17, 2021.
NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY: Making cities naturally safe from supply chain shocks
A new paper in Nature lays out the way natural ecosystems parallel U.S. supply chains and how American cities can use these tools to strengthen their supply chains.
NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY: Ecologists compare accuracy of lidar technologies for monitoring forest vegetation
As light detection and ranging (lidar) technology evolves, forest ecology and ecological restoration researchers have been using these tools in a wide range of applications.